STEM Academy of Boyle Heights is a magnet high school that is a part of the Los Angeles Unified School District. The mission of this high school is to develop students to use STEM skills to positively contribute to a challenging world where high literacy, knowledge, and technical skills are becoming increasingly important.
With an above-average district attendance, students continue to achieve improving grade levels due to accommodations and opportunities provided for their success. Classrooms use various improvement strategies to showcase high levels of engagement. By achieving Linked Learning Gold certification from the Linked Learning Alliance, a first in the nation, STEM Academy of Boyle Heights has demonstrated an ambition to continuously improve. Some of the goals of this high school are to increase the percentage of:
- Parents who state "My child's school provides resources to help me support my child's education"
- Students who feel like they are a part of the school
- Staff who feel they have the materials necessary to do their jobs well
- Teachers who meet with their colleagues to examine performance data