Columbia Crest STEM School is a kindergarten through sixth grade school in the Eatonville School District of Washington State. Serving students from Kindergarten to the sixth grade, the school possesses a innovative STEM-based curriculum that teaches students problem solving skills in a creative and engaging fashion. Although the school was initially founding in 1951, it did not become a STEM school until 2013 when the new principal, Angie Ellenbecker, was hired. They have an expressed mission of meeting the innate curiosity of all students, and their goal is to inspire integrated learning across all STEM subjects, no matter the age of the student. Whether it's Lego engineering projects, Geometry Geoboards, or any other number of engaging activities, Columbia Crest seeks to make sure that its students are prepared for STEM learning both in high school, college, and later on in life. Although the school is relatively new to an exclusively STEM focus, it has already made great strides towards preparing its students for tomorrow's workforce needs.