Eastview High School


Located in the heart of Apple Valley, Minnesota, Eastview High School is a school with Engineering, Technology and STEM program which prepares students with critical STEM skills that will enable them to translate their sound knowledge as they move into colleges and into solutions to problems of the society. Students of the Eastview High School are trained to become innovators, problem solvers and inventors who use critical and logical strategy to handle challenges in a technologically advancing world. The STEM program of the Eastview High School include four years of Math, Science, Social Studies, and English with three scholar certificate options. The school and many Engineering Support Organizations promise to offer financial scholarships to students. With Eastview High School simulation, students are engaged actively, thus they can explore impact of multiple decision at the same time, synthesize and integrate their knowledge and make actual decisions based on facts and data presented. In this way, they see results of their decisions in the response other players and outcome of the simulation over time. With quality faculty, staff, steering team and stakeholders who guide and direct key issues such as policy and process, goals and objectives, students are provided with the support needed to emerge as great critical thinkers and problem-solvers. http://www.district196.org/evhs/academics/STEM_EV_9_19_13.pdf


6200 140th St. West, Apple Valley, MN, 55124


(952) 431-8900
(952) 431-8911
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