Situated in Cincinnati, Ohio, the Hughes STEM High School offers an innovative environment for learning. Like the name suggests, the Hughes High School focuses on science, engineering, mathematics and engineering. This public school uses project-based learning and critical thinking to get students engaged in the curriculum. In keeping with its mission, Hughes works to break down the barriers between education, business and community groups.
STEM education is necessary for the United States to maintain and develop a strong economy. To do this, school's like Hughes High School start training students at a younger age in STEM fields. They work on developing interpersonal and organizational skills for the twentieth century. Each student learns how to use a variety of technology and is exposed to a college-like environment. While they are attending the high school, students will have the opportunity to develop college credits.
One of the main methods of teaching students at Hughes High School is through project-based learning (PBL). This approach immerses students in STEM experiences and uses interdisciplinary coursework. During project-based learning classes, students work to explore and expand on new concepts. This approach is designed to improve the quality of learning and help students who may otherwise find school boring.