Marietta Center for Advance Academics


Location: Marietta, GA
The Georgia School of Excellence was designed as a magnet school for the Marietta Center for Advanced Academics. Its purpose is to help students between the third and fifth grades. This school was created to provide students with a rigorous academic program. As such, it was designed according to the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards to meet educational needs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. It offers a fast-paced curriculum and numerous technological resources. With multiple resources, the Marietta Center for Advanced Academics offers an emphasis on STEM education. Its vision is to be a leader in STEM education. As it achieves this goal, the center works to prepare and inspire 21st century academics. Through innovation and creative solutions, the center strives to teach students how to meet the challenges of globalization. Students at the Marietta Center for Advanced Academics work within an accelerated curriculum. This academic program emphasizes STEM fields within a one-to-one computing environment. By attending classes at this school, students can become the leaders and problem solvers of tomorrow. To reach each child, the center focuses on an interdisciplinary approach and a project-focuses learning environment. Ideal Applicants The ideal students for this program exhibit a thirst for learning. Since the instructional program is exceptionally rigorous, students must truly enjoy learning in order to do well at this school. It uses a wealth of printed and technological resources to teach each student. Although it teaches at a higher level than most elementary schools, the results are much better. Students work in a hands-on environment to actively learn each topic and experience learning on a personal level. In 2012, the Marietta School for Advanced Academics was recognized as the first STEM Certified School in the State. Before that time period, it won awards from the state of Georgia for its achievements and progress.
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311 Aviation Road, Marietta, GA, 30060


(770) 420-0822
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