Initially a comprehensive public high school, Stratford STEM Magnet High School transformed into a STEM magnet in 2011 as part of Tennessee's "Race to the Top" initiative. Students in grades 9 through 12 have the opportunity to participate in several academies that specialize in different STEM areas, including Engineering, Biotechnology, Robotic and Vehicular Transportation, National Security, Security Services Technology, and Technology for Business Management. Additionally, Stratford has an Interdisciplinary Science and Research Program that partners with Vanderbilt University to extend student learning opportunities. By allowing students to focus on either applied sciences or national security, Stratford allows its students to be better prepared for college coursework in the student's major area of study. In addition to a rigorous academic environment, Stratford also offers several extracurricular, fine arts, sports, and volunteer opportunities to its students. The Nashville school is open to any student who is zoned for the high school, though others can apply to attend the school as well.